Third entry - Major changes for release


  • Updated the Menu to show version number, taken from the Application object
  • Added a new safe room to start in. Moved controls there, so player can see they can use WASD
  • Added 11 lights into the scene. All baked.
  • Added a sine wave animation script to the grimm reaper (Tormented Soul) model to have it slowly float up and down
  • Added a simple dialog feature to show text
    • improved to show multiple pages of text
    • improved to show the page we're on: represented by a coloured dot
  • Added music to the safe start room from the Tune jam
  • Moved Music Manager to the room object. So once the player leaves the room the Room gets turned off, with the music.
  • Modified Music Manager to hold multiple tracks and will now play one at random
  • Added ability for room to open doors, let player through and then activate one room and later disable the other. I haven't tested how much better performace is. Problem: When start safe room deactivates, it looks odd as it's replaced with empty space.
  • Added item to speed up time. Get the FFWD button icon and time will speed up 1.5x.
  • Moved Enemy GetHit animation to a separate layer, now th enemies are harder
  • Increased enemy hit animation and got hit speed
  • Increased distance some enemies will attack. Some will attack if you're with 15m some 10m
  • Updated Player object to allow switching between characters from different packs. Done in anticipation of adding the pirate pack. This will allow use of different weapons for different models.
  • Changed and increased the font size of the large health bar so it's easier to see how much health you currently have
  • Removed the circle health bar by players feet as it's no longer needed
  • Added health dispenser to give player health. One item will exist in the level. It will be checked and dispensed every 10 seconds.
  • Added coin fountain, because it's cool.
  • Added drape banners either side of the fountain and a light ray cube effect above
  • Added a wooden platform into the level, in anticipation of a teleport ability. Wooden, so it'll collapse if the player spends too much time up there.
  • Created/modified a new particle effect when player picks up health
  • Modified enemy health and hit points - Problem: I think i made one enemy too strong now
  • Added a counter in the hud to show how many zombies are on screen. This is calculated based on how many have been created and how many player has killed.
  • Monster Creator script can now limit the monsters it creates based on how many are on screen. i.e. if 10 are already on screen, and wave limit is set to 15, it'll only create 5 more. Problem: This may mean that the wave will pass by without creating wave specific enemies. Perhaps instead of the GameManager deciding which waves to show based on time passed, the Monster Manager should have a pool of enemies and once exhausted the next wave can start.
  • Player can roll using the middle button - although it's a useless skill
  • Code to give player a temporary shield is done, but not used.
  • Submitted to "Gwizz's 2nd Halloween JAM". Theme was about Calling. So game changed slightly.

Future ideas:

  • Two play modes
    • 1. Permadeath - like now, when player dies all gold and xp are lost
    • 2. Arcade / Continue / TBD - when dies, you're resurrected in the safe zone to try again. your gold and xp remains with you, but youre weapon and health upgrades are lost. You can also exit the game and resume with this characters holding.
  • Make the first wave spawn more with easier enemies. Make the second wave slightly easier, but with double the enemies spawned.
  • Could use some ranged weapon enemies. Mages perhaps.
  • Low Priority - Add a single oversized golemn - would need new animations for it though
  • Player could use a defence against the swarms.
    • teleportation to a safe platform - with cooldown timer
    • push back enemies - using rigidbody seems difficult when using the NagAgent, would have to turn it off, apply physics and turn it on again.
  • Move the shop to a seperate room. Enemies can't enter, but will contiue to spawn. Timer should be frozen on entry to the room. 
    This will give the player some reprieve from the action. We could have a market stall for health, another for weapons and a shrine for God Weapons (beam from sky, missile attack, grant user a temporary shield, damage all enemies, etc. ) 
  • Low Priority - Might be nice to see the name of the music track playing

Current Stats:

Enemy 1 -- Enemy-Goblin-M :: Health: 10, attack: 5
Enemy 2 -- Enemy-Goblin-F :: Health: 10, attack: 5
Enemy 3A -- Enemy-GoblinWarriorF :: Health: 20, attack: 10
Enemy 3B -- Enemy-GoblinWarriorM :: Health: 20, attack: 5
Enemy 3C -- Enemy--GoblinWarriorFLarge :: Health: 50, attack: 10
Enemy 3D -- Enemy--GoblinWarriorMLarge :: Health: 50, attack: 5

Get TIMME - The Infinite Monster Massacre Exercise