Second entry - Major changes for release

V 2.1

  • Created a background for the menu by positioning models in Unity. 
  • Created image to show controls WASD
  • Added a simple menu system
  • Added a pause window
  • Added bg music - rock music
  • Added player magnet - to attract coins
  • Goblins will use NavMesh to navigate
  • Showing Upgrade screen after 100 coins collected was annoying. So now there is a shop you have to enter to buy stuff.
    • Shop model added from Apocalyspse pack. 
    • Problem : I find having the shop in level to be troublesome, might be good to move it to a safe zone. So player can get some relief. Will need to stop the timer though.
    • The shop will show 3 random items that the player can afford to purchase. Problem : Player doesn't ever know what items exist that they can't afford.
  • Added pickup items class. Coins and potions can be picked up by the player. 
    • 3 sizes of coins - small, medium and large
    • potions to give health and potion to increase players max health
  • Health bar was a circle under players foot, but thought this was hard to see, so added a larger bar at the bottom of the screen.
    • Added a heart next to the bar
    • Then made it beat.
    • Then decided the beat should be faster when health is low
  • When health taken damage Damage Numbers Pro is used to show health lost. Also used to show text when coins collected. Decided it was easy to use it to show Wave changes also.
    Problem I think the wave text is in the way - obstructs view
  • Added a light to the candle holder to see how much the game slows down. Seems fine
  • Added pumpkin into level, that can be destroyed
  • All boxes in level can be destroyed - pieces are left in the scene though.
  • Added new enemies - warriors and scaled up 2 models to be giant warriors
  • Enemy smartness seems odd, they don't attack often?
  • Fixed issue where player would get swarmed by enemies, even when enemies were dead, the player couldn't get out. Now their colliders are disabled so the player can get away.
  • Submitted to Scream Jam 2024
  • Added Timer to show how long player lasted in the level
  • Added Game Stats recording
  • Showing some Game Stats when level ends
  • Added a God weapon power - cooldown timer card added in the bottom left

Get TIMME - The Infinite Monster Massacre Exercise