Current look

Screenshots of the current look of the menu. A lot of the art still needs to be changed

Background and Title graphics need to be changed

Settings Panel

Change Language Panel

Achievements Panel - in this example they've all been unlocked. Graphics for achievements are placeholders while I decide what achievements the game will have

Area / Stage selection screen - Image of the stages need their images changed.

Level Selection - background will need replacing.

This shows I've achieved 3 stars on both stages. At the moment it only shows 2 stages. There is potential to show bonus stages going up too. It's a scrollable panel so more levels will be on the right. I just need to decide on how many levels I'l have in a stage and then on the design to show them. Perhaps it'll all be in a row, or perhaps it'll zig zag up and down.
Only showing 3 stars looks a bit bare, so I might have an info panel when the mouse hovers over. Or perhaps click the stage to show then info panel, and then another button to start.

When you've successfully completed the level you'll see the win screen - the stats are real and the stars are based on: Did you win (so you'll get one star on completion), did you get hit, did you beat the par time. Enemies Destroyed and Bombs Missed I intend to summarise into one line: Accuracy.
If I have upgrades and a shop, these screen stats might get more complicated. That way you can get awarded these basic points or stars and  then bonus stars for other things (like not killing any fish, getting a kill streak higher than 3, not missing any barrels, etc). With those stars awarded you can then spend them on upgrades.

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